Samsung Gear 360 Software Windows

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Samsung gear 360

Stitching Samsung Gear 360 tool is created for fast and easy way to create panorama from raw files of Samsung Gear 360 camera. Please upload your raw file, the image with two circles on black background, drop the file or choose the file from your cloud space. Please be patience the converting takes some time, you will see running flower. The Action Director software is free to download - you can find all available software for the Gear 360 (2017) on our website here. It also notes what version of Windows is supported next to the download, so be sure to check that it is supported. The activation key is the serial number of your Gear 360.

Samsung gear is an app that connects your wearable watches to your mobile device and coordinates the features and apps of the wearable device that you have installed. Connect your Samsung smartwatch to your Smartphone using the application to get the most out of it. The app can be installed via Galaxy Apps or Google Play Store.

Samsung gear to configure and manage the functionality of Samsung equipment

The Samsung gear app (Galaxy Wearable) is an app that manages and monitors the features and apps of smart watches that you have installed through the Galaxy apps. The app is already preinstalled on some Samsung smartphones. You can usually find them in the 'Samsung' folder (depending on the model). Among the features that appear on the Samsung gear app, there is in particular the possibility of:

  • Connect and disconnect Samsung mobile devices;
  • Make clock settings and locate your watch;
  • Receive notifications and download other applications;
  • Update the software.

The settings and features that are available on the Samsung gear app are only available when your smart watch is connected to your mobile device. The features will not work properly without a stable connection between your portable device and your mobile device. Supported devices vary depending on your region, carrier, and device model. However, the app works with Galaxy Watch, Gear S3, Gear S2, Gear Sport, Gear Fit2, Gear Fit2 Pro, Gear IconX as well as all Samsung smart watches that use Android 6 and above.

If you are like me, and purchased a Samsung Gear 360, you might be wondering how you can get your hands on the firmware files without a Samsung device.

First, someone else created an amazing utility for getting the Samsung 360 Manager onto your non-Samsung Android phone here.

However, I was having some issues downloading the firmware, so I peeked a bit under the hood. Apple os x developer program. I quickly realized, its pretty easy for all of us to get our hands on the firmware with very little effort.

First, find your camera type

Now, my Camera is the 2017 version (in the image above). Also known as the Samsung SM-R210.

Samsung Gear 360 Software For Windows

You can find this from on-device system information, the box and packaging or the Samsung 360 Manager.

With this, you can now query for your firmware (without an app installed!)

Finding the Latest Firmware & Hash

The important part, is this URL:

Most importantly, notice the bold part. That is your phone model. So, if you had the older 360 camera, you could use this URL:

Now, paste that URL into a browser and you'll see something like this:

So, what is this telling us? Well, it tells us the latest firmware version, a link to download that firmware, and then a bunch of info about what was added. Cool!

Hash Files

I've been rushing, so I didn't have time to check if these files are only validated in the Samsung Manager, or if they are validated on-device.

But, just in case, lets grab the hash file. This, basically tells the program / OS if the BIN file for the firmware has been tampered with. Ironically, that assumes that this file also was not tampered with. However, it is most likely being used to validate a correctly downloaded firmmware file from an incorrectly downloaded one, probably not for anti-tampering.

So, lets see those URLs again and add a hash line. This is for the 2017 edition.

The other, less cool, but somehow more useful version.

Downloading Stuff

Now, to download the firmware file, just copy/paste the link from the DownloadURL (link for the SM-R210).

I'm not certain, but to go with it, the OS is probably going to also want a hash file. So grab that DownloadURL (link for the SM-R210) just in case as well.

Next Steps

So, now you have the firmware files. How do you actually upload them? Well, I can't help much there, but I can line up the next steps!

Well, by default there are only 3 supported modes.

  • Connect to Android, which uses a strange version of WiFi Direct to push data to the device. Pretty much, the only way to use this method is through the Samsung Manager 360 app – unless of course, someone creates a specific firmware updater app.
  • Connect to Remote. That connects to an actual physical remote you have to purchase – not much help there.
  • Connect to iOS (this is really the only solution at this time).

So, remember how I said I can't fix that last problem today? Well, it is fixable, but someone needs a bit more time than I have. If this post gets any attention though, I'll sit down and trace this out.

Option #1: Connect an iPhone to a proxy (Fiddler) and connect the proxy to your 360 camera

This will show you the paths the app is taking to authenticate, as well as the path to upload the file. If it is a simple low-auth procedure, the firmware update could be as simple as using a special URL.

Basically myself or another developer needs to do this to get the upload paths and procedure.

Option #2: Reverse out the upload procedure for the Samsung 360 Manager

Right now, it is using another method over WiFi Direct to upload the files to the camera. If we reverse out that exchange, we could build a standalone firmware updater. Macbook pro autocad performance.

Samsung Gear 360 Software Download

Thats it. I know this post isn't of the most value, but I thought it *might* help someone down the road.

Samsung Gear 360

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